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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.

Professional Learning & Development Opportunities

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Sensory-Supportive Environments: Classroom Structures for Success

Sensory-Supportive Environments: Classroom Structures for Success

Date: October 19, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Designing sensory-supportive environments and classrooms is a transformative approach that caters to the diverse sensory needs of students. It involves creating spaces that reduce sensory overload and enhance learning experiences, particularly for those with sensory processing differences. Key elements include flexible seating options, visual organization, sensory breaks, and controlled lighting and noise levels. These strategies not only support individuals with sensory sensitivities but also foster an inclusive atmosphere where all students can thrive, and, consequently, learn strategies for self-care and self-advocacy. This training will cover ways of incorporating sensory-friendly design principles so that educators can craft classrooms that are welcoming, comfortable, and conducive to learning for every student.
Participants will
  • Increase their awareness of sensory differences and how they affect student behavior and learning.
  • Recognize the signs of sensory overload and learn how to quickly adapt the environment to help regulate students' sensory systems.
  • Develop plans for enhancing the inclusivity of their learning environments by supporting the diverse sensory needs of students.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Tuesday, November 5, 2024. If not met, training may be cancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs:
Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be ano-show fee charged to your LEA.
Developing a Language Enriched Environment

Developing a Language Enriched Environment

Date: November 13, 2024
Time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Research has shown that individuals with complex communication needs have less opportunities to communicate. When developing a language enriched environment, the selection of functional and motivating vocabulary is critical for effective use of an augmentative alternative communication device. To build on communication opportunities, communication partners must have guiding beliefs: presume competence, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a right, a communication system is always available, and learning AAC language should be fun. AAC language should focus on core vocabulary and include individual fringe vocabulary as well. Communication opportunities should focus on multiple language functions (i.e., comment, greet, ask/answer, direct, argue, protest, share, social communication, express emotions, and gain attention).
It has been proven that students use their communication systems in the way they were first trained to use them. If the student is taught to use the system in a structured, stimulus-response format, they tend to use the system only when asked to do so. However, if the student is trained in a highly interactive format, he/she tends to use the system in a spontaneous and interactive manner. This technique can be used with individuals who demonstrate complex communication and intellectual need. Constant exposure to the symbols will encourage them to learn and use the symbols appropriately.
Participants will be able to
  • Delineate and prioritize classroom environment and activities to develop language enriched environments.
  • Analyze the environment to use core words to access multiple communication opportunities throughout the day.
  • Create a list of activities conducive to interactive communication.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Wednesday, October 30, 2024. If not met, training may be cancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs: Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be a no-show fee charged to your LEA.
Building Communication Opportunities Throughout the Day for Students with Complex Communication Disorders

Building Communication Opportunities Throughout the Day for Students with Complex Communication Disorders

Date: November 13, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 11:00 am

This session will discuss building communication into everyday environments for students with limited verbal language or students who may utilize augmentative communication devices. A naturalistic language approach will help these students generalize specific communication strategies and build upon functional communication.
Participants will be able to
  • Understand naturalistic language approaches.
  • Develop a communication script.
  • Infuse language opportunities into everyday activities.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Wednesday, October 30, 2024. If not met, training may becancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs:
Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be ano-show fee charged to your LEA.
For More Information
The Blueprint for Bonds: Constructing Connections with Students

The Blueprint for Bonds: Constructing Connections with Students

Date: November 8, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Put on your construction hats! We're building rapport! Building rapport with students is a foundational component of fostering a positive learning environment and sense of community. Rapport involves constructing meaningful connections based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect. Effective strategies include getting to know your students personally and ensuring they feel "seen" by being empathetic to their needs and backgrounds. By implementing these strategies, educators can create a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning and growth, where students feel valued and engaged – that they belong! This training is for those looking to enhance their skills in building relationships with students.
Participants will
  • Develop plans for improving classroom culture by structuring the classroom environment to support relationships.
  • Understand the critical need for increasing student engagement by decreasing student anxiety.
  • Explore classroom structures to support positive interactions with students, as well as strategies to integrate relationship-building into the daily fabric of the classroom environment.
  • Discover tools and resources to plan, implement, and track progress of selected interventions and strategies.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Friday, October 25, 2024. If not met, training may be cancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs:
Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be a no-show fee charged to your LEA.
Intentional Authentic Assessments /We’ve Assessed Now What?

Intentional Authentic Assessments /We’ve Assessed Now What?

Date: November 05, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Collecting anecdotal information through authentic observations can be confusing. In this session, we will break down what needs to be collected, various ways of collecting the information and what should be included in an anecdotal record. We will also discuss how to help children progress towards school readiness.

Outcomes: As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to:
• identify information that can be gathered during activities to use in documenting the progress of
children’s learning and development.
• utilize various ways of collecting information on children’s learning and development that are
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Early Childhood Classroom/Effective Classroom Management-Part 2

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Early Childhood Classroom/Effective Classroom Management-Part 2

Date: October 28, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Morning Session

Module 3
In this session, we will continue our dive into the recommendations set by NAEYC to advance equity in our classrooms by establishing reciprocal relationships with families. Open two-way communication between families and teachers is necessary for a child’s success. Research shows that the more families and teachers share relevant information with each other about a child, the better equipped both will be to help that child achieve academically. Therefore, it is imperative that we not only gain the trust of our families, but also learn about their language, customs, values, and beliefs, so that we can provide a culturally and linguistically responsive learning environment. It is also important to provide a variety of opportunities for family engagement, so that families understand their value in our partnership to best support their child’s learning and development.
Outcomes: As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to:
• build reciprocal relationships with families.
• provide a variety of opportunities for families to engage in their child’s learning.

Afternoon Session
Join us as we explore ways to build a calm and engaging environment using effective classroom management strategies. Implementing a predictable daily schedule, with simple routines, and quick transitions with learning embedded creates consistency among children. In return, teachers can maximize learning time while children gain responsibility and autonomy. We will collaborate with our colleagues to develop a plan to implement clear and consistent expectations for effective routines and procedures.

Outcomes: As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to:
• develop a daily schedule with clear routines to create consistency and predictability.
• implement effective transitions that promote independence and the continuation of learning.
Antecedent-Based Interventions: Stay Ready So That You Don't Have to Get Ready

Antecedent-Based Interventions: Stay Ready So That You Don't Have to Get Ready

Date: October 24, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 11:30 am

Antecedent-based interventions (ABIs) are a transformative approach in the field of behavioral therapy, particularly within the context of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). These strategies involve modifying environmental factors to prevent challenging behaviors before they occur. For instance, by altering the routine or enriching the environment with preferred stimuli, ABIs can significantly reduce the occurrence of disruptive behaviors. Training in ABIs equips educators with a toolkit of strategies like offering choices, changing instructional methods, and using pre-activity warnings to improve engagement and reduce stress for individuals with ASD. The evidence supporting ABIs is robust, with numerous studies validating their effectiveness in promoting positive behavior changes in multiple domains. We will explore the evidence-based practice brief on ABIs that outlines how to implement these strategies in a step-by-step process, ensuring you're not just "winging it." So, if you're looking to train in the art of ABIs, you're essentially signing up to be a behavior management ninja, equipped with the power of prevention!
Participants will
  • Acquire knowledge on the benefits of ABIs for students and staff.
  • Explore the tools and resources, especially the AFIRM platform, to implement the evidence-based practice of antecedent-based interventions.
  • Develop plans for integrating an ABI for a specific student or class.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Thursday, October 10, 2024. If not met, training may be cancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs:
Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be a no-show fee charged to your LEA.
Executive Function Instructional Strategies

Executive Function Instructional Strategies

Date: October 23, 2024
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm


It is clear that executive function is important for success, and deficits in these skills can negatively impact everything from social skills to math performance. This presentation looks at how educators and families can support students with executive function weaknesses. A variety of practical strategies and interventions to address specific deficits will be provided.
 Participants will be able to
  • Identify specific executive function skills necessary for success.
  • Review the impact of these skills on academic and social functioning.
  • Learn useful strategies to support executive function skill development and improved performance.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Wednesday, October 9, 2024. If not met, training may be cancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs:
Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be ano-show fee charged to your LEA.
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Combining Evidence-Based Practices to Optimize Learning

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Combining Evidence-Based Practices to Optimize Learning

Date: October 16, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) for autism are the gold standard for working with students with autism and related diagnoses for a reason – the results, the progress, and the relief! Often, we believe we have tried everything and that's when and why we need to recalibrate before we see regression. This training will guide participants in prioritizing EBPs to maximize learning and minimize interfering behaviors. This training will include opportunities for sharing to remind one another of our mutual purpose. By building our skills, we build the communities of support for the students we serve every day.
Participants will
  • Receive a review of autism including the most recent research and statistics on diagnosis and prevalence. This review will cover characteristics, strengths, signs of onset, and target skills critical for maximizing potential in all arenas of life.
  • Learn about three EBPs for autism, the overlap in the implementation, and strategies for prioritizing and selecting EBPs.
  • Explore the possible strategies and supports including explicit instruction, cognitive behavior intervention, evidence-based practices, environmental design, visual supports, and naturalistic interventions.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Wednesday, October 2, 2024. If not met, training may be cancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs:
Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be a no-show fee charged to your LEA.
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Strategies for Supporting Students with ASD, Attention, and Social Anxiety Needs

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Strategies for Supporting Students with ASD, Attention, and Social Anxiety Needs

Date: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
October 8, 2024
This training is aimed at supporting students who exhibit social anxieties in educational settings, whether they have autism or any related diagnoses, from a place of compassion and care. The sharing of strategies and supports facilitates the development of communities geared toward supporting ALL students. A bevy of relevant tools, supports, mindset shifts, and fresh perspectives will be presented to support students and reinvigorate those who work with them to achieve their greatest potential. This training will include opportunities for sharing to remind one another of our mutual purpose.
 Participants will
  • Receive a review of autism including the most recent research and statistics on diagnosis and prevalence. This review will cover characteristics, strengths, signs of onset, and target skills critical for maximizing potential in all arenas of life.
  • Consider and understand student learning and behavior with regard to present levels of abilities, difficulties of social anxiety, attention, or autism.
  • Explore the possible strategies and supports including explicit instruction, cognitive behavior intervention, evidence-based practices, environmental design, visual supports, and mindfulness.
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Please note: There is a registration minimum requirement that must be met by Tuesday, September 24, 2024. If not met, training may be cancelled.

Madera-Mariposa SELPA Member LEAs:
Please note if attendee is a no-show without prior cancellation notification,there will be a no-show fee charged to your LEA.
Support, Integrate, and Align TK: Module 3

Support, Integrate, and Align TK: Module 3

Date: October 3 and 24, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
GUIDING QUESTION: How can principals and district leaders effectively support, integrate and align TK within school sites and systems?
California ELD Standards Institute

California ELD Standards Institute

Date: October 2, 9, and 10, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
A Deeper Look: Day 1
This interactive professional learning opportunity is designed to familiarize participants with the California English Language Development Standards and their alignment with the CCSS for ELA/Literacy.  An initial demonstation ELD lesson facilitates the understanding of how these two sets of standars may be used in tandem.  Participants will engage in activities designed to deepen their understanding of the language, concepts, and research supporting the ELD standards and, most importantly, how they may be applied.  This professional learning models a variety of activities that can be readily applied to classroom instruction.

Integrated and Designated English Language Development: Day 2 & 3:
In the following two days, we will present a variety of selected activities designed to contextualize and refine the understanding of integrated and designated ELD as explained in the ELA/ELD Framework.  Classroom activities will be modeled, exemplifying the Teaching and Learning Cycle using an actual unit of study.  Grade span vignettes narrating this approach to instruction will support the professional learning.  Participants will leave ready to begin planning instruction using the ELD standards in tandem with other content standards.
PBIS training with golden valley unified school district

PBIS training with golden valley unified school district

Date: 5 Days from September through February:  
Event Dates: September 9, 2024; September 13, 2024; October 18, 2024; January 10, 2025; February 14, 2025
Time not specified:
Registration Opens August 14, 2024
Join us for a five-day experience exploring the schoolwide and classroom implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework.  Designed for leaders and practitioners who envision culturally relevant and equitable implementation and outcomes that create a school culture that supports the social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) wellbeing for ALL - Staff, Students, Families.
Ethnic studies community of practice (cop) 

Ethnic studies community of practice (cop) 

Date:  6 Day Event  from September through February:  
Event Dates: September 25, 2024; October 23, 2024; November 20, 2024; January 15, 2025; February 12, 2025
Time: 8:00 am -- 3:30 pm
8:00 - 8:30 am Check-In & Continental Breakfast
Participants will be enrolled in six full-day sessions of Ethnic Studies Community of Practice (CoP) to:
  • Develop Your Ethnic Studies District Definition
  • Select Core Ethnic Studies Groups
  • Explore Available Resources
  • Develop Comprehensive Units with Provided Templates and Resources
  • Select Grading Options
  • Receive Additional Guidance

Participants should bring a fully charged device at all work sessions.