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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.

Local Planning Council (LPC)

Local Child Care and Development Planning Councils are funded to assure local leadership, facilitate a local child care needs assessment, and establish priorities for the use of state funds at the local level.

"The future depends on what we do in the present." - Mahatma Gandhi


Mission Statement

Every family in Madera County has access to quality, affordable early care and education services.


  • To determine local priorities for child care and development services;
  • To develop and maintain a comprehensive, countywide child care plan;
  • To seek and advocate for funding of child care services and programs;
  • To maximize child care and development resources through coordination and collaboration;
  • To promote public awareness of child care issues as an important part of family support services;
  • To advise the Board of Supervisors and the County Superintendent of Schools on issues affecting child care and development throughout the county; and
  • To promote and enhance child care and development services through public education, provider education, and provision of support services.

Get Involved!

Madera County to get involved by attending Local Planning Council meetings. For a schedule of meetings, refer to the Calendar of Events on this website.