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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.

1105 South Madera Avenue
Madera, CA 93637
Section I
The name of this Association shall be Madera County School Boards Association.
 Section II
The objective and purpose of this Association shall be to preserve, advance and improve the public schools; to encourage and cooperate with all persons and groups whose purpose shall be the betterment of the educational opportunities of the people of Madera County; to promote and advance public education through other means so far as it is reasonably possible.
Section I
The school districts and community college districts situated in Madera County shall ipso facto be a member of this Association.
 Section II
The official list of public schools as compiled by the Superintendent of Schools of Madera County shall govern eligibility to membership to this Association.
Section III
Dues shall be payable annually to the Treasurer at a rate designated by the Executive Committee for each board member, superintendent, and chancellor/vice chancellor.
Section I
The Officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Treasurer.  The Superintendent of Schools of Madera County shall serve as Executive Secretary to the Association. 
Section II
There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Officers set forth in Article III, Section I and one member elected from each school district and community college district.
 Section III
The term of office for each of the officers shall be for two calendar years.
Section IV
The Executive Committee will make recommendations to the general membership at the Winter General Business Meeting and that in election years, the Winter meeting would be scheduled following the November General Elections.  Hence, the election of officers will be held at the Winter General Business Meeting.  Nominations will also be open to the floor.
Section V
Officers of the Executive Committee shall be members of a school board within the confines of Madera County.
 Section VI
All business of the Association shall be taken care of by the Executive Committee in such a manner as shall be determined.
Section I
The President shall:
  • Call and preside over all regular and special meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
  • Appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee or the membership.
  • Have a deciding vote upon all questions in case of a tie.
  • Perform such other duties as may properly pertain to the duties of his/her office.
Section II
The Vice-President shall:
Assume and perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence, inability, or incapacity of the President to perform them.
Section III
The Treasurer shall:
  • Receive, take charge of and provide for the proper safety of all money belonging to the Association.
  • Disburse the funds upon the approval of the Association or the Executive Committee.
  • Provide Financial Reports for the Executive Committee and annually present a budget worksheet for adoption.
  • Be the chairman of the Budget Committee in years that the President determines a sub-committee is desirable.  The Budget Committee will consist of two other members appointed by the President who shall prepare and submit a budget to the Executive Committee for its approval.  The President also has the option to have the Executive Committee serve as the Budget Committee.
 Section IV
The Executive Secretary shall:
  • Keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee and shall file copies of same with the Madera County Schools Office.
  • Keep a register of all members of the Association.
  • Prepare notices for the Association regarding future meetings.
  • Coordinate with the host district regarding facility and catering needs for General Business Meetings.
  • Coordinate with a member of the Association who will be responsible for obtaining a speaker for the General Business Meeting.
Section I
As per Article 3, Section IV, the Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and elected representatives of each school board.  The Executive Committee shall have power to act on the matters of this Association between the annual meetings.
 Section II
A quorum shall be those members in attendance.
Section III
Members shall be given written notice at least twenty-four hours previous to any special Executive Committee meeting.
Section I
Executive Committee and General meetings will be held at least three times annually. 
Section II
A quorum shall be those members in attendance.
Section I
The order of business shall be as follows:
  • Reading of Minutes
  • Reports of Officers
  • Reports of Committees
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business
 Section II
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the parliamentary procedure.
Section I
The Articles may be amended by proposal in writing submitted to the President at least ten days before the meeting at which the Amendments are to be voted upon.  The Executive Committee shall report to the General Membership its recommendations with reference to any proposed amendments.
Executive Committee Approval: Revised 9/77, 2/2/05, 8/31/05, 2/22/18