Madera County Schools Foundation

Arts Education
Parent Involvement
Student Academic Events
Our Mission:
To create partnerships to expand investments in educational opportunities for all students by securing additional funds and resources.Message from the Board
On behalf of Madera County Schools Foundation, welcome to our website. We welcome your interest in Madera County students and we invite you to explore this website to see how you might become involved in helping Madera County public schools maintain their standard of excellence, even as state funding continues to be reduced dramatically.
The Madera County Schools Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt organization established in 1992 to serve families through Madera County Superintendent of Schools, which serves nine school districts and more than 30,000 students.
The Madera County Schools Foundation is dedicated to fostering economic support for education excellence by facilitating the creation, growth, and effectiveness in academics, arts in the classroom and strengthening parent involvement. The Foundation exists to bridge this gap, so that Madera County children receive a well-rounded education that rivals that of private schools and is equivalent to neighboring school districts.
To achieve the Foundation's mission, we accept gifts of money, property, goods or in-kind services, as well as gifts from individuals, businesses and other organizations.
Our success depends in great part to the community’s response to our call to action. The Madera County Schools Foundation invites you to participate in providing Madera County students with a quality education through this community partnership.
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of Madera County’s students.
Thank you.
Madera County Schools Foundation Board of Directors