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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.

The word Learning written in different colors
Professional Development Trainings

Professional Development Trainings

Single Plan for Student Achievement. The letters S P S A are written on stairs leading to the word Success

Purpose to Impact: Aligning Your School and District Plans (SPSA)

Keep on top of the latest updates and upgrades to the LCFF and LCAP at this series of workshops hosted by your Madera County Superintendent of Schools. We will closely examine the California School Dashboard, local indicators, and the ins-and-outs of updating your plan. Focus LCAP actions and services where they impact your students – In your schools
Included in this training will be tools and strategies to:
• Create a school plan aligned with your LCAP.
• Use data effectively.
• Monitor and evaluate implementation to meet students’ needs.
• Prepare your school planning for ESSA accountability.
The workshop usually takes place from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., and can be adjusted to meet the needs of the district. Available in-district training at no cost!
For content information, contact:
James Sargent | | (559) 662-3801
Kirk Delmas | | (559) 662-3866
For registration information, contact:
Karen Roget | | (559) 662-3860