Bridges to Leadership Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program (PASC)
Program Mission, Vision, and Collective Commitments
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Program Mission, Vision, and Collective Commitments
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Bridges to Leadership-PASC program is to prepare equity-focused instructional leaders who:
- establish and support an inclusive and just school culture that meets the needs of all students
- build the capacity of all educational partners
- value individual assets and needs
Vision Statement
The Bridges to Leadership-PASC program's vision is to impact the field of education with school leaders who:
- are equity-driven and embrace diversity
- value the importance of relationships that are supportive and compassionate while promoting courageous leadership
- emphasize a challenging collaborative environment that is engaging, thought-provoking and supports innovative practices through reflective measures
- continue to adapt to ensure learning opportunities are current, relevant, data-driven and researched-based
Collective Commitments
To achieve the fundamental purpose (our mission) of our program and become the program we described in our vision statement, each member of our team commits to behaviour that responds to each of the following values: Innovation, Equity, Diversity, Relevance and Relationships.

About Our Program
About Our Program![]()
About Our Program
The Bridges to Leadership Program:
- Is designed specifically to team our Candidates in small cohorts which are infused with the skills and strategies of creating a “Professional Learning Community” throughout all coursework. Candidates often depend on this foundational network of professionals throughout their careers as they journey through the world of school site administration.
- Chooses proven highly-qualified Site and District Level Professionals who have the experience and knowledge, as Bridges to Leadership Course Instructors, to facilitate and support the deep learning opportunities for candidates in each of the six core courses and while preparing for the state performance assessments. Our instructors remain current in the field of education and are known for their ability to model exceptional equity-driven leadership skills. Our instructors come from a breadth of professional experiences and the full span of administrative leadership positions including the County, District or Central Office, and School levels.
- Provides candidates with flexible program scheduling including early fall, late fall, and spring program start dates, and typically the opportunity to choose either an online platform or face-to-face learning experience.
- Offers 15-18 month long program lengths depending on start date, typical school district breaks, and National Holidays. Core and CalAPA support courses are 5-8 weeks long depending on content and fieldwork expectations.
- Models high expectations for all candidates by scoring all assignments using a standards-based rubric. There is an expectation that all coursework submissions will meet or exceed standards; If a candidate’s submission does not meet standard, the instructor will provide specific actionable feedback, the candidate will then revise and resubmit, ensuring candidates are successful in mastering all program content.
- Was the recipient of the California School Board Association’s 2010 Golden Bell Award, in recognition of Madera County Superintendent of Schools’ innovative and exemplary Tier I PASC Program. The CSBA Golden Bell Awards program promotes excellence in education by recognizing outstanding programs in school districts and county offices of education throughout California. The Golden Bell Awards reflect depth and breadth of the education programs necessary to address students’ changing needs.
The Bridges to Leadership Program includes six core courses that are based on the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE) standards. Our candidates within their cohorts, collaboratively explore the theory and application of the standards.
Shared Vision of Learning
- Develops a shared Mission & Vision
- Connects improved teaching strategies to school and community priorities
- Expects relevant student data are available and examined regularly
- Provides strategies for guiding, motivating, delegating, and building consensus
Culturally Conscious Leadership
- Builds a solid foundation for understanding equity, adapting to differences, and embracing diversity
- Guides the process of moving toward personal cultural proficiency
- Builds knowledge on how to lead a learning organization toward becoming culturally proficient
Personal Ethics and Leadership Capacity
- Introduces integrity and justice through a variety of decision making and problem-solving strategies
- Develops effective methods to communicate shared decision-making outcomes to stakeholders
- Includes processes of self-discovery with the goal of learning how to inspire and motivate others
- Focuses deeply on the development of interpersonal relationships
Culture of Teaching and Learning
- delves deeply into what it means to be an instructional leader
- builds a knowledge base for advocating, nurturing, and sustaining an inclusive school culture and standards-based instructional program
- Examines practices designed to build a community of learners where shared vision and high expectations are embedded in the culture.
- Engages candidates in the process of classroom observation utilizing the coaching model and the CSTPs, California Standards for the Teaching Profession
Social, Political, Economic, Legal, and Cultural Understanding
- Learn the laws related to English Learners and special needs students
- Understand student and staff discipline, processes, policies, and the law
- Understand vocabulary and legislation related to special populations
- Closely examine legal issues, court cases, board policies, bargaining unit contracts impacting schools and districts
Management of the School in Service of Teaching and Learning
- An understanding of a systems thinking model for school improvement
- Focuses on using differentiated strategies in supporting high quality instructional and effective management of the school
- An introduction to data driven decision making strategies, and the applications of various assessment tools and systems
- An introduction to district state, and federal accountability systems
The Bridges to Leadership Assignments are designed to provide Candidates an opportunity to critically think about their own journey to becoming an equity-driven school site leader with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to build and lead a learning culture that provides pathways for the success of all students through continuous improvement focused on equity.
Reading Assignments and Cohort Discussions, utilizing the most current and relevant texts, articles, and research, Candidates explore the theory behind implementing the standards in a school setting. Cohort teams discuss both the content and the impact the learning will have on their future leadership role. Some of the authors include Rick and Becky DuFour, Bob Eaker, Bob Marzano, Stephen Covey, Michael Fullan, Anthony Muhammad, Randall Lindsey, and Carol Dweck, to name a few.
Reflective Writing Assignments, utilizing the six stages of Gibbs’ Model of Reflection, helps to guide candidates in making meaningful personal connections between leadership theory and practice.
Fieldwork Assignments are an integral part of the Bridges to Leadership program and are designed to deepen learning and promote reflective practice. Through fieldwork assignments candidates
- apply the principles learned and practiced in each course
- participate in hands-on administrative experiences with the guidance of their fieldwork supervisor
- develop leadership knowledge and skills.
Fieldwork assignments are embedded throughout the program and are assigned in every course.
Seven Norms of Collaboration are embedded and practiced throughout the program and are used for effective facilitation of teams and consensus building. They include Pausing, Paraphrasing, Posing Questions, Presuming Positive Intentions, Putting Ideas on the Table, Providing Data, Paying Attention to Self and Others.
Job Shadowing provides an opportunity for each candidate to “walk in the shoes” of a practicing school site administrator. Varying the shadowing opportunities, by the administrators, different school sites, both elementary and secondary, plus the different types of events, like student discipline, IEP meetings, or classroom observations, is vital for the candidate to see and experience the day-to-day activities of a successful school administration.
California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) preparation through three stand-alone support courses where Instructors provide the individual support needed for Candidates to complete, submit, and pass all three cycles of the CalAPA, while strictly adhering to the policies and rules of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC.)
- Cycle 1: Analyzing Data to Inform School Improvement and Promote Equity
- Cycle 2: Facilitating Communities of Practice
- Cycle 3: Supporting Teacher Growth
CTC PASC Program Prerequisites
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CTC PASC Program Prerequisites
- Clear California Credential Options
- Teaching
- Pupil Personnel Services (PPS)
- Nurse
- Career Technical Education (CTE)
- Designated Subject
- Baccalaureate Degree
- Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) through one of the following options:
- Coursework
- Coursework and Exam
- 5 years of Successful Full-time Teaching Experience (by end of PASC Program)
- Teaching
- School Nurse
- Teacher Librarian
- Speech-language Pathology
- Clinical or Rehabilitative Services
Bridges to Leadership PASC Program Completion
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Bridges to Leadership PASC Program Completion
All components of the Bridges to Leadership PASC Program must be met for the candidate to be recommended for a preliminary credential or Certificate of Eligibility:
- Meets standard for all six Core Courses
- Job Shadowing hours and reflection
- Professional development and/or coaching hours and reflection
- Leadership reflective presentation
- Three CalAPA assessments with passing scores
CTC PASC Program Criteria for Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
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CTC PASC Program Criteria for Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
- Completion of Commission-approved Program, Bridges to Leadership
- Verification of Offer of Employment:
- If offered an administrative position – Preliminary Administrative Services Credential will be recommended.
- Without offer of an administrative position – A Certificate of Eligibility will be recommended. This certificate allows the holder to seek employment in an administrative position. When an offer for an administrative position is secured, the hiring district/employing agency will submit a request to the CTC for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.
Upcoming Cohorts
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Upcoming Cohorts
Upcoming Cohort Teams are now forming, check out the links below:
The next Zoom Informational Meeting will provide an overview of the Bridges to Leadership Program and answer any individual lingering questions you may have. The link downloads an electronic flyer which includes the date, time, and Zoom meeting link for the next Informational Meeting.
You can also email the Bridges to Leadership Team with any questions or to request meeting information:
Application Information
Application Information![]()
Application Information
Click the links below to download the Application Packet and Financial Information
For Application details or questions, please contact our Bridges to Leadership Team at
Lawful Practices
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Lawful Practices
It is the policy of the Madera County Superintendent of Schools to provide equal opportunity in employment for all persons and to prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age (over 40 years), gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, medical condition, or physical or mental handicap in every aspect of personnel policy and practice in employment, development, advancement, and treatment of employees; and to promote the total realization of equal employment opportunity. (SP4120)
This same policy applies to the Bridges to Leadership PASC program. Should the Candidate question decisions made regarding a Candidate’s admission, retention, or completion of the program; or the prerequisites for program participation, program requirements, participation hours, special needs, provisions, anti-discrimination policy, program extension request rationale, and/or denial of Preliminary Administrative Services Credential or Certificate of Eligibility, the following Grievance and Appeals Process will be implemented.
General Information/Questions
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General Information/Questions
This is the best email to get quick answers to your questions:
Bridges to Leadership Team
Natasha Trejo
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 559-662-3851
Itzel Serrano
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 559-662-3856
Jason Mercier
Director, Credential & Certification Programs
Phone: 559-662-3865
Linda Igoe
Program Director, Leadership Development & Support Services
Phone: 559-662-3852
Melissa Murray
Director, Leadership Development and Equity Support
Phone: 559-662-6226
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 559-662-3851
Itzel Serrano
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 559-662-3856
Jason Mercier
Director, Credential & Certification Programs
Phone: 559-662-3865
Linda Igoe
Program Director, Leadership Development & Support Services
Phone: 559-662-3852
Melissa Murray
Director, Leadership Development and Equity Support
Phone: 559-662-6226
Instructor Interest
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Instructor Interest
The Bridges to Leadership Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) Program is looking for highly qualified instructors to provide engaging learning experiences and valuable feedback to our PASC candidates. Click on the link below to view the minimum qualifications and to complete an Interest Form.
Instructor Interest Form
Instructor Interest Form