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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.


Madera County Educating Homeless Children and Youth

The objective of the Madera County Superintendent of Schools Educating Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) is to ensure, in accordance with the law, that every homeless youth residing in Madera County, is allowed a meaningful opportunity to meet the challenging state academic achievement standards to which all students are held.

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal program to assist children and youth that are experiencing temporary unstable housing.
Who is homeless?  Children and youth who lack a: 
  • fixed,
  • regular, and
  • adequate nighttime residence.
Under this act, state and local educational agencies must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschool programs, as other children and youth. Homeless children and youth have the right to the following:
  • Immediate enrollment even if records are not readily available.
  • Assistance with school services to maintain educational stability.
  • Opportunities for academic success.
  • Assistance with obtaining immunizations and medical records.
  • Continued attendance in the school in which last enrolled.
  • Transportation from current residence to school of origin.

Services Available

  • ADVOCACY services provide assistance when a student enters a new school or changes schools by ensuring the student has all school records/vaccination records necessary for enrollment and proper school placement.
  • EVALUATION of individualized academic/support service needs necessary to provide the tools required for academic and life skills success.
  • LINKAGE to school-based/community resources necessary for after school activities, tutoring, mentorship and other social services.
  • TRACKING of students' movements within the county or to other school districts and placements in order to assist in smooth transition of services.
  • POST SECONDARY PREPARATION SUPPORT to ensure that graduating youth develop a post high school plan to become independent, academically and socially successful adults.