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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.

Child Find

Do you have a child or know of a child who seems to have difficulty learning?


Help is available.

The purpose of Child Find is to locate and evaluate children who are suspected of having a disability. If it is determined that the disability interferes with learning, special education and/or related services may be recommended. Related services may include (but are not limited to): Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Counseling Services.

Mother reading to her sonWhen should a child be referred to Child Find?

  • When birth complications or a medical disorder interferes with development and/or learning
  • When the child seems to have difficulty understanding simple directions
  • When the child seems to have difficulty hearing or seeing
  • When you or others outside the family don't understand the child's speech
  • When the child appears to be learning slower than other children his/her age
  • When the child appears to have social or emotional difficulties that affect his/her ability to learn
Two young girls smiling

Who may refer children?

Anyone can refer a child, including:
  • Parents/legal guardians
  • Other family members
  • Physicians
  • School personnel
  • Child care providers
  • Community agencies
  • Infant & toddler programs