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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.

Student Spotlight

Student Testimonials

Student Testimonials

"Last year I was working at Rancho San Miguel. It was a big experience because it felt like a real job.  I met new employees that went to the same high school that I went to.  I enjoyed helping the customers."


"Last year I started working at Madera High Schol for WAI and in the time of working there I have learned how to work with different people and get along with students, learned new equipment that I never used before. I got to meet with some good people that got me where I'm today.  Without them I would have never got to learn the things I learned while working there.  I felt I was among the group and I was accepted.  I could trust them and getting the job done and working as a team.  The experience was wonderful and excited because I got to work with different people and students. The work was fun and getting the real experience as a full-time job and getting money to help me pay off on things I could not afford."

Student Spotlight

Student Spotlight

WorkAbility Logo
"Last year I was placed at Madera High School library and I felt very good for I meet old friends since freshman. It was bringing old memories to me when I re-organize the fiction books; therefore, I'm happy that you help me with all the works I did.  I would like to say thank you for all the memories."

"My experience at Rancho was good, I learned how to collect carts the right way.  Working with customers was sometimes hard. I like to work independently I felt it was better sometimes."

"My experience at Madison School Preschool was good. I helped the students with their groups. The groups were ABCs, numbers and to read to them. Before WorkAbility I was super shy. WorkAbility has taught me to talk more to everybody. WorkAbility also gave me more confidence."