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Madera County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cecilia A. Massetti
Enhancing the quality of life through education.

LCAP and Strategic Planning

Children learning in a group
Local Control Accountability Plan and Strategic Planning

Local Control Accountability Plan and Strategic Planning

The office of Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Strategic Planning is responsible for the oversight and approval of the LCAPs for each of the districts in Madera County.  Workshops with updates, best practices, and technical support for the LCAP are provided to districts throughout the year prior to the approval process.
The office of LCAP and Strategic Planning is also designed to support districts in Madera County as part of the California System of School Support.  The office is also required to assist school districts that are designated for Differentiated Assistance and those schools that qualify for Comprehensive Support and Intervention, and Targeted Support and Intervention in order to help schools improve student performance. 
Work collaboratively with districts and community partners to implement a comprehensive social emotional learning and trauma-responsive approach to address student needs.  Support planning efforts for student achievement and mental wellness.  Serve as a technical resource for social-emotional learning and mental health wellness programs and provide detailed and technical information to districts and schools within the county.


James Sargent
Director, LCAP and Strategic Planning
(559) 662-3801
Kirk Delmas
Director, District Support and Improvement
(559) 662-3866
Danielle Ross
Director, Student Achievement & Wellness
(559) 662-3863  
Karen Roget
Executive Assistant, Educational Services
(559) 662-3860